What is “BeyondCorona TV Series”?

“The path to the next normal”

BeyondCorona is an informative and educative live television series that brings together industry specific players and experts to discuss on post- COVID-19 recovery strategies, in relation to the 5R horizons, (Resolve, Resilience, Return, Re-imagination, and Reform)


Prepare companies on how to be predictive and proactive in their decision-making to preserve business continuity and build enterprise resilience. BeyondCorona TV series will engage companies in how-to think and act across the 5R horizons to respond to the economic issues brought by the pandemic.

General Outcomes

Understanding issues corporate leaders should be thinking about, as well as steps they can take to not only react to severe business shocks now but also reshape their business and plan for recovery

  • Reshape strategy for business continuity
  • Businesses leaders will be able to understand proximity demand
  • Maximize the use of government support policies and understand how they can adaptively manage their entities in line with national recovery mechanisms


  • 24 video and podcasts shall be uploaded on the project website
  • 72 articles in English and the national language on recovery strategies in different thematic areas in different business sectors shall be written and accessible on project website
  • Recovery e-book to be produced and shared to businesses on the national register
  • Live discussions to attract large viewership of Television
  • 240,000 engagements on social media live discussions
  • 12,400,000 social media views
  • 2,000,000 listenership on radio


BeyondCorona TV series is a presentational panel discussion on National Television that will feature discussions with players and industry experts on economy adaptive survival insights leading to the new normal, as the economy emerges from the COVID-19 slumber. Episodes will focus on a specific sectors with three panellists in the studio and others participating via Skype. The show will also stream live on RBA’s social media channels. Webinars, case studies, articles, and a book will also be available as recovery resources on the project website. Understanding issues leaders should be thinking about, as well as steps they can take to not only react to severe business shocks now but also reshape their business and plan for recovery

  • Reshape strategy for business continuity
  • Businesses leaders will be able to understand proximity demand
  • Maximize the use of government support policies and understand how they can adaptively manage their entities in line with national recovery mechanisms